Saturday, July 01, 2006

ROBERT MAYER, the travelling blogger: he will be posting at Publius Pundit from a variety of locations (Honduras, the first one). He emails: "I have decided to try the path of Michael Totten sans the Middle East. I will be writing pieces from places like Honduras (one of the darkest corners in Latin America), Catalunya (which voted for large autonomy from Spain), The Netherlands (where the government has collapsed over the Ayaan Hirsi Ali affair), Switzerland (an overlooked and extremely interesting country), and the Czech Republic (home of the original velvet revolution that people talk so much about). Most of my reporting will be from Latin America and eventually Eastern Europe, someday moving on to other regions."

I'll be meeting him when he comes to Catalunya, and looking forward to it. Being in contact electronically is a good thing, but nothing beats a good face to face conversation in front of a cold beer, does it?

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